Wednesday, July 2, 2014

IWSG: Still Writing, Little of it Fiction

Has it really been two months since my last post?! Time has completely gotten away from me. I apologize for missing last month's IWSG post, but my daughter was having her Bat Mitzvah that week and we were camping that weekend AND I started in a new department at work and have had to learn far more than my 42 year old brain had any intention of assimilating. Therefore, writing was out the window. But I'm back this month with another entry in the never ending saga of my attempts to write something worthwhile.

In the last couple of months, I have written quite a bit. I have posted at my other blog a couple of times. Those are my Torah teachings, so it's a totally different writing mindset from this blog or any of my fiction writing. I also wrote a short story for a contest. I wasn't selected to compete, but it forced me to write something, so I'm still chalking it up in the win column. I have some other ideas that have been percolating for some more short stories that I hope to start writing soon.

Since I wasn't getting much writing done due to being too busy with work, church, and school, I decided to make a big change. I added more classes and took a new position that requires occasional travel. That should definitely make writing time easier to find. Right?

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